Jun 24, 2022
Roe v. Wade Overturned: A Response to Critics
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, Yesterday we marked an enormously momentous day here in our country as we witnessed the Supreme Court...

Jun 17, 2022
Men of Faith - July 9
We are excited to have Deacon Jim Tramonte speak at Men of Faith on July 9, 2022! He is a certified spiritual director who has led...

Jun 4, 2022
Father's Day Novena
If you would like to have a father, living or deceased, remembered in our Father's Day Novena of Masses, June 19-27, visit our website by...

May 23, 2022
The Search Begins June 14!
Why does happiness seem so fleeting? Why is life the way it is? Why are we here? Why do we exist? Why are we filled with deep longings...

May 18, 2022
Fr. Valery New Assignment and New Parochial Vicar
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, I was notified by Archbishop Hartmayer that Fr. Valery has been given a new assignment beginning July 1....

May 15, 2022
Summer Date Night Challenge
Calling all engaged and married couples! This summer, take time to nurture your relationship with your beloved by joining our Date Night...

May 15, 2022
Basketball Camp
Register now for Summer Basketball Camp. Eryk Watson a highly acclaimed youth basketball coach will be offering camp for boys and girls...

May 6, 2022
Summer Dance Camp
Join us this summer for Dance camp. Fourteen different camps will be offered over four weeks for boys and girls ages 2-16. More...

May 3, 2022
Statement Regarding Roe v. Wade
May 3, 2022 Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, As I am sure you have been hearing, a draft of an upcoming ruling of the Supreme Court was...

May 1, 2022
Register for Vacation Bible School!
It’s the MANE event of the summer! Join us on June 13th – June 16th for St. Catherine’s Vacation Bible School! Registration is now...