Respect Life Ministry
All life is sacred, and the Respect Life Committee cherishes each and every person, body, spirit, and soul from the moment of his or her creation. We work by exercising the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Respect Life also coordinates with other ministries, including Fun Night! to assist our disabled parishioners and their caretakers for engaging gatherings.
What we do: We are committed to prayer and encourage members to sign up for adoration, rosary rallies, and prayers near Planned Parenthood sites. In addition, we work in conjunction with Forty Days for Life which is a year-round endeavor. We also have a new initiative, Walking with Moms In Need, that provides a viable, visible loving presence with personalized assistance and resource referrals.
In January, we memorialize those lost in abortion. Through the Baby Bottle Drive, we provide financial assistance to the Pregnancy Aid Clinic (PAC) for those challenged mothers and fathers who have chosen life. During February, there is an exceptional opportunity to share Valentine’s with pregnant mothers. We also host the St. Joseph Prayer Vigil(close to March 17th) at Planned Parenthood, dedicated to fathers and other males in a pregnant woman’s life. In the Spring, we are planning a Dressing with Dignity Fashion Show. May (near Mother’s Day) is Fill the Crib, an annual drive to collect goods and gift cards for expectant Moms. In June, Fathers Day affords another opportunity to celebrate and call forth the needs of the Fathers of expectant Mothers. October is Respect Life Month. The Knights of Columbus hold a series of prayer vigils and special displays for families in need. November is a month of thanksgiving, and the parish Thanksgiving Food Drive is an excellent “pro-life” endeavor. And, in December, we have a Take a Gift Tag Drive. What better way to welcome the Child Jesus than by giving to one of His children in need?
All parishioners are invited to participate and contribute in the best way they can. Please contact Pat Hershwitzky at pathonfire4@gmail.com for more information.