Dear St. Catherine of Siena Family,
This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. This is a feast that reminds us, in a particular way, that Christ truly is the king of the universe. He is the king in every time and place, and he wants to reign over each of us with his gentle rule of love and mercy.
We remember today, as well, that our Blessed Mother Mary is our Queen. In the old Davidic kingdom, it was the king's mother, not his wife, who bore the title of queen and possessed a certain authority and power to intercede on behalf of the people before the king. And now, in the new covenant kingdom, the Church, it is Christ's mother who reigns as queen with her son and intercedes for us before him.
You may have noticed that over the past several weeks our choir and/or cantors have been singing the Salve Regina as a communion meditation. This beautiful Latin hymn dates back to the middle ages and is a very traditional hymn to Our Lady. From this hymn we have the words to the Hail Holy Queen prayer that many of us are probably familiar with. It is a prayer we often recite at the end of the rosary.
As we celebrate this Solemnity of Christ the King, we pray that our Blessed Mother Mary, our queen, would intercede for us and help us to surrender to the gentle rule of Christ in our lives, so that Christ would truly be the king of the universe.