Security Information
The following policies and procedures have been put in place in order to maintain a safe and secure church and school campus for our parishioners, students, and visitors.
- Our entire premises, including our parking lots, are monitored 24/7 by security cameras.
- A uniformed officer is present onsite during our Sunday PSR class time and 10:15am Mass when PSR is in session, and non-uniformed officers are present at several Masses each week.
- Our ushers have gone through active shooter response training and have been advised to report any suspicious activities on campus to our facilities staff.
- Large bags or backpacks will not be allowed inside church or school buildings unless they have been inspected by our facilities staff (children's school backpacks and diaper bags are not included among those types of bags that are prohibited but still may be subject to inspection at the discretion of our facilities staff).
- We adhere to the archdiocesan policies with regard to weapons, specifically, that no firearm or knife with a blade longer than five inches will be permitted inside any church or school building except by law enforcement officers, or authorized security personnel. The full archdiocesan policy can be found here.