Adult Faith Formation

Our Vision for Ministry
Our ministry of adult faith formation at St. Catherine of Siena parish draws its vision from the stirring words of St. Paul to the Christians he served:
“Christ in you, the hope of glory: Him we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. For this I labor, striving with all the energy which He mightily inspires within me” (Colossians 1:27–29).
We seek to present Jesus Christ and His gospel in a compelling way, in a variety of settings, so that our adult parishioners and others can know Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, and follow Him more nearly. In this way, we hope to help them toward the glorious destiny of becoming “perfect in Christ.”
Below you can find an overview of adult faith formation opportunities at our parish. For more information about any of these programs, email our Director of Adult Faith Formation, Jeremy Johnston, at jeremyj@stcatherinercc.org or you can call 678-385-9413.
Faith and Mission
On Sunday mornings, we offer a series of large-group study sessions for adults, hosted by Deacon Brad Young on practical ways to live out the Catholic Faith. Free coffee and donuts are served with time at the beginning to get better acquainted with one another. The presentations follow with time for Q&A.
Bible Study for Women
St. Catherine's Bible Study for Women meets weekly on Wednesday mornings from 10:00am-11:15am and is open to women of the parish of all ages. The study is led by Helen Young who will offer reflections on the Sunday Gospel reading for the following Sunday. There is also time for reflection and table discussion. Babysitting is available. For more information, contact Helen Young at helen@bsjy.org.
Faith and the Spiritual Life
Faith and the Spiritual Life is a weekly class taught by Jeremy Johnston exploring topics related to the spiritual life held on Monday evenings. All parishioners are welcome to join us to discuss topics including the Mass, deepening your prayer life, and the discernment of gifts.
Small Group Studies
Adult members of our parish meet regularly in a number of small groups at various times and locations to pray and to study Scripture, Church history, specific theological topics, and more. Meeting times and subjects of study vary from season to season.
Men of Faith
Men are invited to join us quarterly on Saturday mornings for breakfast, fellowship, and a presentation. Presentations will be focused on topics especially for men, followed by discussion and prayer.
Women of Faith
Women are invited to join us quarterly on Saturday mornings for breakfast, fellowship, and a presentation. Presentations will be focused on topics especially for women, followed by discussion and prayer.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
This nine-month discernment and formation process is for those who are not Catholic but want to know more about Catholic faith and practice. For those who decide to become Catholic, it provides preparation for their reception into the Catholic Church. Those who complete the process enter the Church (usually at Easter) and receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, if they have not yet been baptized; Confirmation; and the Eucharist. Catholic adults seeking the sacrament of Confirmation will also participate in this process to prepare for the the reception of the sacrament at Easter.
Courage / Encourage
Courage is a spiritual fellowship group for men and women who experience same-sex attraction. Through discussion, prayer and chaste friendship, Courage members strengthen each other to joyfully live out the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. EnCourage provides support for families and friends of those with same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria. In many cases, their loved ones have embraced an homosexual lifestyle and/or identity and no longer practice the faith. For more information, email courageatlanta@gmail.com.
Our parish subscribes to FORMED, an online archive of faith formation resources from a number of popular Catholic authors and speakers. This subscription allows our parishioners free access to the archive content by registering to create a personal account. Resources include video study programs, audio presentations, books, e-books, movies, and more, for adults, teens, and children, in both English and Spanish. For more information, go to https://www.stcatherinercc.org/formed.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who promote devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and serve the Church and their neighbor through various apostolic works of evangelization and service to the sick and poor. Contact Cathy Longtin for more information at 803-334-2679 or by email at cathylongtin@att.net.
Vocations Ministry
Are you searching for the plan God has for your life? Do you need help discerning your vocation? The period of vocational discernment is a path all Christians must walk. Many are called to serve Christ through the Sacrament of Marriage, others are called to the religious life, some are even called to serve Him in the priesthood. Whatever God might be asking of you, discernment is a crucial element. Learn more about what it means to discern your vocation at www.calledbyChrist.com. To sign up for Elijah Cup ministry to pray for vocations, click here.