Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
Tomorrow marks the 48th anniversary of infamous supreme court decision, Roe v. Wade, which essentially mandated legal abortion in every state throughout the entirety of a pregnancy. Since that day, there have been tens of millions of innocent babies who have been slaughtered in their mother's womb. This reality is a horrific tragedy that leaves a deep blemish on our national identity. Yesterday, Archbishop Gomez, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, reminded us in his letter marking the presidential inauguration that abortion remains our "preeminent priority," and as Pope Francis teaches, "we cannot stay silent when nearly a million unborn lives are being cast aside in our country year after year through abortion." In that light, I invite you to join me in praying the Nine Days for Life novena which begins today, and also to consider participating in a prayer vigil at a local abortion clinic through 40 Days for Life. If you have never done this, I encourage you to consider participating in one of these vigils by gathering a group together and signing up for an hour. It is quite a life-changing experience. I also invite you to join me in supporting the Pregnancy Aid Clinic in its work of supporting pregnant mothers who are tempted to have an abortion. Pregnancy Aid Clinic is the only Catholic pregnancy resource center in the archdiocese and is a wonderful organization whose mission is not only to assist pregnant mothers but also to promote the Church's teaching on chastity and the Theology of the Body. We are doing a virtual "baby bottle"collection for them this year, and you can use this link to make a donation online. Or you can make a donation at Mass this weekend through our second collection via cash or check. As we mark this anniversary of Roe v. Wade, let's ask the Lord for the courage to stand up for the cause of life and to defend especially the most vulnerable among us, the unborn. And let's continue to pray for an end to abortion and for a true culture of life where every child is protected in law and welcomed in life. Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Neil