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RCIA: Becoming Catholic

Two inquiry sessions for adults who want to know more about becoming Catholic will be held on Monday, August 7, and Monday, August 14, at 7:30 p.m. in room 201/202. These inquiry sessions require no registration; those who are interested may come either or both weeks to ask questions about the Catholic faith and the process for becoming Catholic.

For adults who want to begin the formal process of preparation for becoming Catholic, we’ll have on the following Monday night, August 21, the first weekly session of our nine-month RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). If you wish to take part in this preparation, please contact Dr. Paul Thigpen at to register or for more information.

Please note: Beginning the RCIA process is not a commitment to become Catholic; our weekly sessions will help you make an informed decision about whether to make that commitment. However, those who hope to enter the Catholic Church next year at Easter must take part in the formation process from the beginning. Each session provides a vital part of your preparation. So if you’re interested, please don’t wait! Register soon to begin RCIA in August!

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