Knight of the Month
Our September Knight of the Month is a past Grand Knight and current District Deputy and Council Program Director, Johnny Cianfaglione. He is the State Special Olympics Chairman for the past few years and works tirelessly behind the scenes for programs like the Duck sale, Clay Pigeon Shoot, Polar Plunge, the 9 Ball tournament and many other less known projects like setting up the annual Special Olympics Olympic village. Despite his busy schedule with work, family and professional band, if you ever take on an event and have a question or need graphic art support Johnny C is your go-to Knight. Congratulations Johnny!

Family of the Month
Kate and Eddy Herty have been members of Sr Catherine of Siena Parish for seven years. Both were raised in Catholic homes, with deep family roots in Louisiana where thy both met in 2003 while attending LSU. Sharing their convictions in the one true Church, they graduated in 2005. In June the following year, they were married in St. Jude's Catholic Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Shortly after they were married, they became Katrina migrants, and began an eight-year odyssey that included five household moves over four states and the birth of four beautiful children. Despite the stress and frustration of lay-offs, job changes, children and moving, Kate and Eddy consistently followed their faith to nurture and raise their children and evangelize through catechesis and example. All their children are homeschooled, supplemented with instruction at St. John the Baptist Hybrid school.
They have five children. Charlie – 14, is an altar server, attends Relentless and will be confirmed this year. Amelia – 12, is an altar server and attends B'Tween Life. Jude – 10, is an altar server, was baptized at St. Catherine's and attends Catechesis of the Good Shepard. Gianna – 8, is an altar server, was Baptized at St. Catherine's and attends Catechesis of the Good Shepard. And Paxton – 4, was Baptized at St. Catherine's and attends Catechesis of the Good Shepard. Their family respects all God’s creation and shares their lives with 1 miniature poodle, Lulu; 1 Chameleon, Stella; 1 Tortoise, Scooter; and 2 guinea pigs, Ollie and Brownie.
In addition to parenting their children in the faith, Kate & Eddy have taught Catechesis of the Good Shepard for 5 years, and participated in the Witness to Love program as mentors. They both attend Women and Men of Faith presentations, Couples of Faith dinners and have led groups for Family's Forming Disciples. Kate has participated in our faith formation programs for 7 years and helps out in the Elizabeth Ministry. Eddy has taught Confirmation for two years, is a strong pro-life advocate, is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and helps with our parish's graphic design needs. The Herty family loves attending Fun Night to hang out with some of the parish's most loving people, and they extend this joy throughout the parish through their participation in the Greeter Ministry. For these reasons the Kate and Eddie Herty family is our Knights of Columbus September Family of the Month.