May 3, 2022
Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, As I am sure you have been hearing, a draft of an upcoming ruling of the Supreme Court was leaked that indicates that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. The impetus for the leak is still unknown, but if the draft is accurate, this will mean that the decision whether or not to outlaw abortion in the United States will return to the individual states, and Georgia will almost certainly be one of the states where abortion will no longer be legal. Although this is amazing news, there is still a great deal of prayer needed and great deal of work to be done. As you can imagine, there are many who will be very angry with this decision, and we need to be equipped to respond to objections clearly and persuasively. There are many helpful resources in this regard, but one that I would recommend highly is a little book by Trent Horn, a Catholic author and speaker, called Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue. It is available on the Catholic Answers website here and at other book stores. Additionally, in this short video, Trent responds to an objection that I believe we will be hearing frequently in the coming days and weeks: "Criminalizing abortion will not reduce the number of abortions; it will simply make them less safe." Trent's response to this objection is very helpful. As we approach the formal decision in this case (likely in June), I encourage you to be praying for an end to abortion and for a true culture of life in our country. And I also encourage you to generously support the work of organizations like the Pregnancy Aid Clinic, whose work of supporting both babies and mothers will continue to be vital, especially as woman will be tempted to seek other ways of attaining abortions through chemical means or traveling to other states where abortion remains legal. May Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, intercede for our country as we strive to promote the dignity of every person from conception until death. Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Neil Dhabliwala