Dear St. Catherine Parish Family, This Sunday we conducted our in-pew commitment for our Stewardship of Prayer, Faith Formation, and Vocations campaign. I invited you to consider making a tithe (10% of your time – 2.4 hours per week) to prayer and ongoing faith formation, and I spoke about several of the opportunities that we have available in the parish to deepen our spiritual lives and grow in understanding our faith. For our parents, especially, I want to encourage you to sign up for our Families Forming Disciples and sacramental preparation programs. You can find out more and register here. Children's faith formation begins the weekend of August 28th. Finally, I hope you take advantage of opportunities in our parish to strengthen your vocation and pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. One of the inspiring parts of this campaign is an opportunity for you to recommend someone in your life for a religious vocation. In the electronic commitment card linked below, there is a section where you can submit the name and contact information for a religious vocation. Everyone who is recommended will be contacted by a member of our clergy. Thank you for all your support of our parish through your stewardship. If you did not have a chance to complete a commitment card, you can fill out an electronic commitment card here. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless our efforts to deepen our knowledge and love for Him and grow together as a family of faith. Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Neil