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Summer Dance Camp

The Dance Academy at St. Catherine of Siena will be offering dance camps throughout the summer for students between ages 2-16. Registration will begin Friday, May 7, 2021 and can be found by clicking here. See below for the camp schedule and class descriptions. Email Karen Grantham at with any questions.

Super Heroes Boys and girls alike will love this new superhero camp! This camp will consist of obstacle courses, stealth maneuvers, tug of war, and other strength challenges, games, crafts and more.

Little Movers Calling all toddlers to join us for a week of movement, art, and stories using both our fine and gross motor skills to travel through our favorite storybooks. Old McDonalds farm will be explored through ant farms, movement pertaining of animals, games and crafts. Other days will include Hungry Caterpillar, Mr. Gumpy's Outing, and Goodnight Moon. Balls, hula hoops, and bean bags is a must for a fun filled week of activities.

Tinkerbell & Friends Explore the world of Pixie Hollow in this adventurous camp. Each day will be spent learning about fairy life – garden, animal, water, and tinkers are some of our flying friends. Each fairy has their own talent waiting to be discovered. Learning dance skills and science goes hand in hand. Light, motion, color, and sound are examined through creating instruments, discovering different ways to make sound, movement and crafts.

Cheer This camp is designed with fun in mind. The camper will learn basic cheers, how to stunt, work with pom poms, basic tumbling skills, and dance line routines. No experience is needed – just bring your voice, great personality, and eagerness to learn. Girls will be given pom poms.

Princess What does a Princes of God have in common with Princesses of the world? Find out in this wonderful camp. Etiquette, grace, and poise are just a few things taught as we dance, tumble, and craft our way through this week. Princess attire is welcomed. A royal tea party will end the session.

Ocean Adventures Dive into magical worlds on the beach and beneath the waves filled with sea shells, mermaids, mermen, dolphins, star fish, sea horses, coral, sea glass, crabs, colorful fish and sand castles. Dancers will be introduced to these treasures through dancing, acting, tumbling and crafting.

Dances Around the World Campers will explore the beautiful dances and music of different cultures from countries around the world. The Spanish Flamenco, Irish Jig, Chinese Dragon Dance, and the Hawaiian Hula are just some of the dances we will examine. Cultural costumes, make-up, and traditions will be part of this week activities. Each dancer will leave with knowledge of people around the world, customs they have and crafts the would make.

Mother Goose Join us as we journey into a world of nursery rhythms. Singing, dancing, acting and tumbling are part of our adventure. We will explore colors, numbers, shapes, and letters and create crafts inspired by Mother Goose.

Dance Intensive We will offer ballet, Jazz, Hip hop, lyrical and modern classes this week for experienced dancers.


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