SUNDAYS 8:45AM – 9:45am in room 316, beginning September 10th, Faith and Mission with Dc. Brad and Helen Young, Dc. Jim and Stephanie Tramonte. For more information, email Dc. Brad at
The plan for the upcoming Faith and Mission year is for a multi-subject, multi-voiced program with many presentations tied in with the U.S. Bishops' program of evangelization on the Eucharist: the Saints and Martyrs in the Roman Canon, the Seven Secrets of the Eucharist, the Real Presence in Scripture, and Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Other topics will include angels, Islam, and the Holy Spirit. In addition to Deacon Brad, sessions will be led by Deacon Jim Tramonte, Helen Young, and Stephanie Tramonte. Come join us at 8:45 Sunday Mornings!
WEDNESDAYS - 7:00pm-8:00pm in room 204, beginning September 13th, Faith and the Spiritual Life with Jeremy Johnston. For more information email Jeremy at