Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future
Capital Campaign Reception Sign Up

We recently announced some exciting news about a major project for our parish and schools. In the coming months we will be implementing plans to build a new parish hall to provide for the growing needs of our parish and school communities, and we will also be executing a capital campaign to pay for the new building, retire our current debt, and build a capital reserve to support several large facilities repairs and maintenance needs. If you have not yet had an opportunity to do so, you can review the attached letter as well as the conceptual design for the new parish hall by clicking here.
As an especially engaged parishioner, you are invited to join Fr. Neil for a special reception at his home on January 23, 25, 26, or 29 to hear more about these exciting plans for the future of our parish. To sign up for a reception, please click the link here. If you are unable to attend on one of these dates or need assistance signing up, please call Charissa Saenz at 678-206-7664. Thank you for your generous support of our parish!