Marriage Ministry
Our Vision
St. Catherine's Marriage Ministry springs from our desire to answer the challenge put forth by Pope St. John Paul II in Familiaris Consortio:
"At a moment of history in which the family is the object of numerous forces that seek to destroy it or in some way to deform it, and aware that the well-being of society and her own good are intimately tied to the good of the family, the Church perceives in a more urgent and compelling way her mission of proclaiming to all people the plan of God for marriage and the family, ensuring their full vitality and human and Christian development, and thus contributing to the renewal of society and of the People of God."
Our mission is to empower couples to understand and live the beauty of marriage according to God's design; to acquire the skills needed to establish and sustain the intimate relationships found in marriage and family life; to discern and pray together about how the Lord is calling them to give witness to the Gospel, in and through their homes and family life; and to be joy-filled disciples of Christ, bearing witness to their faith and vocation, in both our parish community and in the world. (See the USCCB's Called to the Joy of Love: National Pastoral Framework for Marriage and Family Life Ministry.)
Below you can find an overview of marriage ministry opportunities at our parish. For more information about any of these programs, email our Director of Marriage Ministries, Luisa Price, at luisap@stcatherinercc.org.
Couples of Faith
Our quarterly dinner and speaker series for married and engaged couples, we gather on Saturday evenings for presentations on topics related to marriage, family, and the Catholic faith. The evening includes dinner and free child care. Our next Couples of Faith evening is Saturday, April 15, 2023.
Marriage Enrichment
We offer a variety of retreats and workshops throughout the year that focus on skills-building as well as strengthening the spiritual lives of our couples. Check our website or bulletin for frequent updates.
Faith and Love Conference
Faith and Love is our annual major speaker conference, exploring important topics related to the Church's teaching on marriage and family. Each year, St. Catherine's hosts several nationally-known speakers in a day-long gathering of Catholics from around the archdiocese. We also offer an exhibit hall of local Catholic organizations. Our next conference will be held on February 18, 2023 and will feature Dr. Scott and Mrs. Kimberly Hahn. Learn more and register here.
Natural Family Planning Ministry
St. Catherine's Natural Family Planning Ministry offers support, encouragement, and community as couples live out the Church's beautiful teaching on married love. Find resources, get to know Church teaching, and learn more about methods by visiting our NFP website, or reach out to us at nfp@stcatherinercc.org.
Marriage & Family Therapy​
Holy Family Counseling Center serves the metro Atlanta area and provides counseling from a Catholic Christian perspective to couples, individuals, and families. With both online and in-person therapy available, Holy Family offers many services to heal and strengthen marriages and families. A therapist from Holy Family sees clients on site at St. Catherine's once per week. Visit www.holyfamilycounselingcenter.com to learn more.
Divorce Care
Witness to Marriage is an apostolate focused on helping divorced and separated Catholics who may still be in valid marriages live their vocations faithfully to Our Lord. Support groups meet monthly; contact Luisa Price for more information.
Marriage Building Weekends
The first weekend of each month, our parish celebrates couples with anniversaries during that month by offering them a special blessing at the end of Mass. Be sure to attend Mass with your spouse on the first weekend of your anniversary month.
Retrouvaille is a practical program that helps restore and heal struggling marriages by improving communication and helping couples reconnect. Learn more at www.helpourmarriage.org. Retrouvaille support groups meet periodically throughout the year at St. Cahterine's. Contact Luisa Price for more information.
Witness to Love Marriage Preparation
Witness to Love Witness to Love is a dynamic model of marriage renewal and preparation that integrates modern principles of psychology and the virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship. Engaged couples at St. Catherine's prepare for marriage with this wonderful mentor-based program that fosters parish connection and brings couples into a deeper relationship with Christ and His Church. Learn more about WTL by visiting www.witnesstolove.org. Just engaged? Contact any member of St. Catherine's clergy, or email Lydia at lydiab@stcatherinercc.org.
Favor Fertility Ministry
Favor Fertility Ministry is a group for women who have struggled to grow their family and who seek fellowship, healing, prayer, and support along their journey. We meet every last Monday of the month. For more information, contact Maria Lange at (404) 580-5056 or mpacheco1188@gmail.com