Q. Is there an automatic dispensation from Sunday Mass for those who are traveling over the holidays or at other times?
A. No, there is not. Catholics have a serious obligation to attend Mass on Sundays, not only to keep the Third Commandment, but also to give thanks to God for His many blessings. God asks for only one hour of our week to fulfill this responsibility, and that’s less than 1% of the time in our week.
Only when it’s physically or morally impossible for a Catholic to attend Sunday Mass, or for higher reasons of charity (such as caring for a sick person), is a Catholic person exempted from the Sunday obligation. If people are traveling on Sunday, they should plan in advance.
A convenient resource to help you plan where and when to attend Sunday Mass is www.masstimes.org. All you have to do is enter the name of the town or zip code where you’ll be, and you’ll instantly receive a list of all available Masses in the vicinity. But also call ahead as well just to confirm that the information is correct. In addition, travelers should be aware that many airports have chapels that offer daily Mass.