Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
The sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession are two of the most beautiful gifts we possess in the Church. Although we are not able to offer Mass publicly right now, this evening (Wednesday) we will still be offering adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions as normally scheduled from 6:00-7:00pm. I want to take every reasonable precaution to ensure that while people are here at the church that there is minimal risk of exposure, so I have decided that we will be moving our adoration and confessions out into our Marian garden.
We will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the altar located in the garden (under a tent), and we will setup makeshift confessionals around the perimeter of the garden in locations that are covered, anticipating the possibility of rain (please bring a lawn chair with you if you would like to sit during adoration and an umbrella in case it begins to rain). The confessionals will be setup in such a way that there is no reason to touch any surface that someone else has touched, except for the chair, if you choose to be seated. Additionally, I would ask that while you are praying during adoration or waiting in line for confession, you maintain the proper protocol of “social distancing” of at least 6 feet. And finally, please enter the garden through the entrance at the upper parking lot, and not through the church (that door will be blocked by one of the confessionals).
I pray that this arrangement gives people a safe option to continue to take advantage of the sacrament of Confession and to pray before our Eucharistic Lord.