Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
This weekend, we will continue to offer our regularly scheduled Confession times (Saturday 9:00-10:00am and 3:00-4:00pm). As we did this past Wednesday, we will have the confessions outside in the garden, so as to reduce any risk of contagion (please park in the upper parking lot and enter through the garden entrance, and not through the church).
Additionally, on Sunday, we will be live streaming Masses from my rectory chapel. I will offer Mass in English at 10:15am, and Fr. Valery will offer Mass in Spanish at 1:30pm. You can view the live stream at
As you are aware, the vast majority of our income for the parish comes from our Sunday Mass offertory collection. While Masses are suspended, I would ask, in your kindness, if you would please consider continuing to give to the needs of the parish either by mailing in your offertory, dropping it in our drop box near the reception desk at the parish office, or by giving online using our online giving service at
Like many organizations, churches are having to be creative with regard to sustaining operations and continuing to pay staff. I know many of you, yourselves, are uncertain about your own finances during this time. I am confident that the Lord will provide for our needs, but I would ask you to please give generously if you are able to.
Please know that I am praying for all of our families, and if there is anything I can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. If you would like to sign up for online giving, and you need assistance, please contact our Stewardship Director, Charissa Saenz, at 678-206-7664.