Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
Yesterday, the archdiocese sent out an update regarding the Coronavirus and informed all pastors that the suspension of public Masses would be extended through April 19, unless circumstances change drastically. Tragically, this means that we will most likely not be able to have a public celebration of the Holy Week liturgies, including Palm Sunday and the Easter Triduum.
With regard to Palm Sunday, Bishop Konzen asked that pastors not bless the palms and distribute them on this day, but rather that we bless and distribute them at an acceptable time in the future. And with regard to the Easter Triduum, I will follow up with information soon regarding the times when the liturgies will be live streamed. It is my hope that even though our parishioners will not be able to attend these liturgies in person, we can still have a deeply prayerful experience together via live stream.
As a reminder, we are continuing to live stream several liturgies throughout the week, including weekday and Sunday Masses, Friday Stations of the Cross, and a weekly rosary. Tomorrow (Sunday) we will live stream Mass in English at 10:15am and in Spanish at 1:30pm.
Live Stream Link
(You can view the live stream even if you do not have a Facebook account. If the link opens up the Facebook app on your phone or tablet, make sure to click on the 'Videos' tab. If you do have a Facebook account, make sure to like and follow our parish page, so you will receive notifications when we are live streaming.)