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Essay Contest Sponsored by the KOC

The Knights of Columbus Essay contest starts on September 1, 2020. The contest is open to 8th through 12th grade students of Saint Catherine of Siena parish. Essays and completed entry forms should be sent to Grand Knight Berwick Babin:

Grand Knight Berwick Babin

2075 Wellcrest Dr, Kennesaw, GA 30152

Email: – Phone: 404.642.2249

Students should complete their information on the front page of the entry form, and have their parent or guardian sign. The back of the form has instructions for the contest. Essays should be typed in MS Word format. The student’s name should appear only on the entry form. The completed entry may be scanned and emailed, snail-mailed or hand delivered to the Grand Knight

This Year's Theme: In an essay of 500-750 words, discuss how trusting in God during a difficult time has helped you or someone you know find the strength and hope to endure it. Consider especially those times when it was a challenge to understand why something was happening. Consider also sharing any lessons about faith and hope you or someone you know may have learned from this experience.

Entries will be judged with the following criteria:

  • Content (35 points): How clearly is the theme presented?

  • Grammar (30 points): Does the essay reflect proper sentence and paragraph structure and utilize correct spelling

  • Style (35 points): Doers the essay show creativity, imagination and development of the topic in a compelling style?

All students will receive a participation certificate. Students submitting the top essay for each grade level will receive a check for $25 and a winner’s certificate. The best essay submitted will receive an additional check for $75.00.

All entries must be received by the Grand Knight no later than midnight September 30, 2020. Winners will be announced by the end of October, and submitted to the Jurisdiction level for statewide competition. To download the registration form click here.

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