Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
Last week I spoke about our stewardship campaign. I am extremely grateful for the amazing generosity that our parishioners offer in helping to support the needs of our parish. As I mentioned last week, I would like you to consider making an end-of-year gift to help us eliminate the shortfall in our offertory, which is currently about $50,000 below budget due to the negative consequences of the pandemic. I also invited you to make a commitment to regular giving to our parish next year, particularly through our online giving service.
If you are a registered parishioner, you should be receiving a letter from me along with a commitment card in the mail. I ask you to please fill out the commitment card and return it at Mass. Or, if you would like to complete an electronic commitment card online, you can certainly do so. I ask you to please fill out a commitment card for the 2021 year even if you have made a commitment in the past. This helps us plan and budget for the coming year more accurately.
Thank you, again, for your prayers and support for me, personally, and for our parish. I want to thank, in particular, the members of of our stewardship committee who have helped support our stewardship campaign (see witness videos from a few of our members below). Please know of my daily prayers for all of you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Neil