Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
I wanted to let you know about some changes to our liturgical schedule which will be happening in the next few weeks. Beginning Monday, August 6, we will be moving our Monday evening 7:00pm Mass in Spanish to 9:00am in English. Instead of Mass on Monday nights, we will be having exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for our Hispanic community beginning at 7:00pm with a reflection following at 7:45pm. We will also begin offering our Wednesday evening Mass at 7:00pm as a bilingual Mass. I hope, in particular, that this will be an opportunity for our English and Hispanic communities to come together once a week to celebrate Mass as one parish community. We will continue to have our regular Parish Adoration with a Rosary on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:00pm as well. I want to especially encourage our parents who will be bringing their children to our Parish School of Religion classes on Wednesday evenings to consider joining us for our Parish Adoration and/or Mass while your children are in class.
Beginning August 6, then, our weekday liturgy schedule will be as follows:
Mondays: Mass - 7:00am and 9:00am, Adoration for Hispanic Community - 7:00pm
Tuesdays: Mass - 7:00am
Wednesdays: Mass: 9:00am and 7:00pm(bilingual), Parish Adoration and Rosary - 6:00pm
Thursdays: Mass - 7:00am
Fridays: Mass - 7:00am and 9:00am