Sunday, May 17
Faith Ablaze! Scripture Study will be live streamed on our Facebook page at 9:00am.
Masses will be live streamed on our Facebook page at 10:15am in English and 1:30pm in Spanish. Please see the attached worship aid which includes the readings and hymns for the Mass in English.
Online Giving and Special Collections
Thanks to all of you who are continuing to give so generously to support the needs of our parish. During the time that public Masses have been suspended, we have been receiving 70-80% of our budgeted need. Please consider giving generously if you are able, so that we can sustain the operations of the parish. We have implemented Text to Give, which is a quick and easy way to give on your phone to the offertory or a special collection with a simple text. Click on the link here for information on how to give by text. If you have not yet signed up for online giving, you can visit (Our second collection this weekend is for Pregnancy Aid Clinic text to give code is pac.) If you have any questions, please call Charissa Saenz at 678-206-7664.
YouTube Channel
We will be offering more liturgies on our St. Catherine's YouTube page. YouTube has a very good video streaming service and tends to have fewer technical difficulties. Please subscribe to our YouTube page so that you can be alerted to our live streams as soon as they are available. It is easy and free to subscribe; just click this link and hit the red subscribe button.
Live Stream Link
(You can view the live stream even if you do not have a Facebook account. If you are trying to open the link on a phone or tablet, you may have to download the app and view the live stream on the app rather than a browser. If the link opens up the Facebook app on your phone or tablet, make sure to click on the 'Videos' tab. If you do have a Facebook account, make sure to like and follow our parish page, so you will receive notifications when we are live streaming.)