Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future

Dear St. Catherine Parish Family,
As you may remember, in mid 2017, I began to form a “Capital Planning Committee” consisting of several parishioners and school parents to explore the long-term financial and facilities needs of our parish and schools. Later that year, I announced that we had decided to move forward with plans to build a much-needed parish hall to provide an additional large meeting space for our parish and school communities. By the end of April 2018, we had completed the first phase of our capital campaign to help pay for the new parish hall and also to help retire our previous debt and provide for other major facilities maintenance needs. To date, we have received approximately $3.2 million dollars in gifts and pledges out of our $4 million goal. Finally, in June of 2018, we broke ground on the new parish hall, and as you know, we recently completed construction this past April.

I want to extend my gratitude once again to all of you who supported the first phase of our capital campaign last year. This weekend, June 1st and 2nd, we are offering another opportunity for any of our parishioners and school families who were not able to participate in the first phase of our campaign to make a gift or pledge or to sponsor one of the remaining features of the hall.
For more information about our parish hall or our capital campaign, please visit www.stcatherinercc.org/capital-campaign. Or if you would like to make a pledge online, click here. May the Lord continue to bless our efforts to serve Him and to build up His kingdom here on earth.

Campaign Prayer
God our Father, help us to fulfill our mission at St. Catherine of Siena. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, help us to truly live our lives as committed disciples of Jesus Christ through prayer, education, fellowship, and charity. You have blessed us so abundantly in the past. Help us now to prepare for our future. Let the work of our hands prosper, O Lord, and may we look to our future united in faith, confident in hope, and sincere in our love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.