Homeschool Information

We have a very active homeschooling community at St. Catherine's, and we have several resources available to assist parents in this effort. We do have a formal ministry for homeschooling families led by our parishioner, Priya Johnson, and there are several activities planned throughout the year for any homeschooling families who wish to participate. For more information, you can contact Priya at home2learn98@yahoo.com or you can visit the homeschool website here. Please see below for information on sacramental preparation and reception in the parish and view our main Children's Faith Formation page for more information on all of our programs.
Children Not Using a Catholic Homeschool Curriculum
Those younger children who are not using a Catholic homeschool curriculum and are seeking First Reconciliation and First Communion in the 2nd grade or later will be need to participate in our Families Forming Disciples program for two years (typically 1st and 2nd grade) in order to fulfill the requirements for the two-year foundational preparation to receive these sacraments. And those middle school and older children who are not utilizing a Catholic homeschool curriculum and who are seeking Confirmation in the 8th grade or later will need to participate in our Confirmation Foundational Preparation program for two year (typically 7th and 8th grade) in order to fulfill the requirements for the two-year foundational preparation to receive these sacrament. They will also need to participate in the specific preparation programs during the sacramental year (typically our First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation program in the 2nd grade, and our Confirmation Specific Preparation program in the 8th grade). All families should register for these programs at the beginning of the year using our Children's Faith Formation Registration Form.
Children Using a Catholic Homeschool Curriculum
Children who are homeschooling using an official Catholic homeschool curriculum do not need to participate in these foundational preparation programs. However they will need to participate in the specific preparation programs during the sacramental year (typically our First Reconciliation and First Communion Specific Preparation program in the 2nd grade, and our Confirmation Specific Preparation program in the 8th grade). All families should register for these programs at the beginning of the year using our Children's Faith Formation Registration Form.